Public Comment

live stream the board meeting

 Click the YouTube icon to go to our live stream                              If you are interested in observing a board meeting without providing comment or attending in person, all meetings are live streamed for the viewing public at the Pullman Public Schools YouTube Channel.

access & location of board meetings

At Pullman High School (510 NW Greyhound Way) in the Board-Community Room. The front doors will be open to the public at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the School Board meeting.

Board meetings are scheduled for the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays in the month. The months of July, November and December differ to accommodate the school and holiday schedule.

The public comment part of the agenda is for anyone wishing to speak before the board, either as an individual or as a member of a group. 

  • Citizens wishing to speak must sign in on the public comment sign-in sheet.
  • Citizens addressing the board will go to the microphone and state their name prior to presenting their information. The board will listen, and may offer clarification, but will not discuss the topic.
  • The board may consider moving the topic presented to a future meeting date as a discussion item.
  • Please keep your comments civil and respectful, and limit your remarks to 3 minutes.
  • Individual speakers may not gift their time to other speakers.

written public comment

If you are unable to attend a regular board meeting to provide public comment, individuals can provide written public comment for regular board meetings as an alternative.
 Picture of Pencil and Paper                                                           
  • Written public comments must be received by the school board no later than 48 hours prior to the regular board meeting
  • Written public comments can be emailed to the school board at [email protected] or mailed to Pullman School District, Attn: Board of Directors, 240 SE Dexter St., Pullman, WA 99163

remote attendance accommodation

Picture of computer

Any individual who would have difficulty attending a regular school board meeting by reason of disability, limited mobility, or for any other reason that makes physical attendance in a meeting difficult, will need to contact the Superintendent's Office by phone at (509) 332-3581 or by email at [email protected] no later than 3 days prior to the start of the regular board meeting to arrange for the individual to provide public comment remotely.

  • Individuals will receive Zoom log-in information approximately 60 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to access the meeting remotely. 
  • Citizens wishing to speak will wait for their name to be called and will be unmuted by the Zoom Moderator.
  • Citizens will state their name and address before beginning comments to the Board.
  • The board may consider moving the topic presented to a future meeting date as a discussion item.
  • Please keep your comments civil and respectful, and limit your remarks to 3 minutes. 

At the conclusion of the public comment section, citizens that provided comment remotely will be removed from the meeting as a virtual participant and asked to observe the rest of the meeting via the live stream on the Pullman Public Schools YouTube Channel.


The School Board does not receive public comment during Work Sessions or Special Board Meetings. Should you wish to share comments with the School Board, please e-mail [email protected].